Challenge will run from Nov 20 to Jan 7…this helps to cover you for the major holidays!

My life's high and lows all while wearing high heels
Today is ironically National Popcorn Day!
(via Yum Sugar)
Why is that ironic you may ask? Well maybe it is the fact that I spent my morning in the the dentist's chair repairing a chipped tooth thanks to a popcorn kernel. I love popcorn but I am a little nervous to dive right back into the the salty, buttery goodness. This year I am not exactly celebrating this national holiday so please take an extra handful for me.
I promise next year we will be enjoying some freshly popped corn while watching a movie together.
But don't worry, I will make sure I have the dentist on speed dial!
So NYE was a blast and I would love to share the one million and one awesome pics I took over the course of the evening but in true Jackie fashion, I dropped it at the end of the night and broke it again!!!!!! This is the second time in the past year that I have dropped and broken my camera. Thankfully I bought insurance last time!
The year 2010 was rang in with fabulous friends while listening to the one and only DJ Phil b, who made an appearance Talbott Street. We had so much fun.
Then we went to Blu and then ended the night with a ride in the Chicken Limo.
So all in all it was a great evening spent with great friends and hopefully a sign of great things to come in 2010 (except the camera breaking pattern... hopefully that will stop soon!)
I hope everyone had an equally excellent start to the new year and have no fears... I will be sharing my pics as soon as I can. I know you are dying to see all the fabulous and crazy events that took place.